National Academy of Education

The National Academy of Education is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization in the United States that advances high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Founded in 1965, the NAEd currently consists of 197 elected regular members and 41 scholars in the membership categories of members emeriti, foreign associates, and foreign associates emeriti. Members and foreign associates are elected based on the outstanding scholarship related to education and provide pro-bono service on committees that address pressing issues in education. In addition, Academy members and other scholars are also deeply engaged in NAEd’s professional development programs focused preparing the next generation of education researchers. Since 1986, NAEd has administered the NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, funded by The Spencer Foundation, and beginning in 2011, NAEd also offers the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program.


The National Academy of Education is governed by a nine-member board of directors. Current President of the Academy is Michael J. Feuer. Gloria Ladson-Billings is elected as the next President of the National Academy of Education. Her term will begin Fall 2017.

Past Presidents

Current research initiatives


Anthony Alvarado

James Anderson

Richard Anderson

Alexander Astin

Ron Avi Astor

Richard Atkinson

Thomas Bailey

Eva Baker

Deborah Loewenberg Ball

James A. Banks

W. Steven Barnett

Hyman Bass

Isabel Beck

David Berliner

Hilda Borko

John D. Bransford

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

John Brown

Anthony Bryk

Eamonn Callan

Martin Carnoy

Prudence Carter

Stephen J. Ceci

P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale

Michelene T.H. Chi

Charles T. Clotfelter

Paul Cobb

Marilyn Cochran-Smith

David Cohen

Michael Cole

James P. Comer

Lambros Comitas

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

William Damon

Linda Darling-Hammond

Andrea diSessa

Greg Duncan

Jacquelynne Eccles

Ronald G. Ehrenberg

Margaret Eisenhart

Richard Elmore

Edgar Epps

Frederick Erickson

Michael Feuer

Robert Floden

Sarah Freedman

Susan Fuhrman

Adam Gamoran

Patricia Gandara

Howard Gardner

James Paul Gee

Carol Gilligan

Herbert Ginsburg

Gene V. Glass

Susan Goldman

Louis Gomez

Thomas Good

Edmund W. Gordon

Patricia Graham

Sandra Graham

Hanna Holborn Gray

Pamela Grossman

John Guthrie

Kris Gutiérrez

Amy Gutmann

Edward Haertel

Kenji Hakuta

Eric Hanushek

Robert M. Hauser

Shirley Brice Heath

James Heckman

Larry V. Hedges

Jeffrey Henig

Joan Herman

Paul Holland

Glynda Hull

Jacqueline Irvine

Jack Jennings

Susan Johnson

Carl Kaestle

Sharon Kagan

David Kaplan

James Kelly

Walter Kintsch

David L. Kirp

Michael W. Kirst

David Klahr

Daniel Koretz

Deanna Kuhn

Helen Ladd

Gloria Ladson-Billings

Ellen Condliffe Lagemann

Magdalene Lampert

Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot

Carol Lee

Valerie Lee

Richard Lehrer

Hope Leichter

Henry Levin

Richard Light

Marcia Linn

Judith Warren Little

Susanna Loeb

K. Tsianina Lomawaima

Dan Lortie

Henrietta Mann

Kathleen McCartney

Lorraine Mcdonnell

Milbrey Mclaughlin

Michael McPherson

Douglas Medin

Hugh Mehan

Deborah Meier

John W. Meyer

Jeffrey Mirel

Robert Mislevy

Elizabeth Moje

Luis Moll

Pamela Moss

Richard Murnane

Anna Neumann

Sonia Nieto

Nel Noddings

Pedro Noguera

Jeannie Oakes

Michael Olivas

Gary Orfield

Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar

Roy Pea

David Pearson

James Pellegrino

David Perkins

Paul Peterson

Penelope Peterson

Andrew C. Porter

Alejandro Portes

Sophia Rabe-Hesketh

Stephen Raudenbush

Diane Ravitch

Sean Reardon

William J. Reese

Lauren Resnick

Barbara Rogoff

Mike Rose

Cecilia Rouse

Brian Rowan

Robert Rueda

Rubén G. Rumbaut

Russell Rumberger

Geoffrey Saxe

Marlene Scardamalia

Leona Schauble

William Schmidt

Barbara Schneider

Alan Schoenfeld

Robert Schwartz

Donna Shalala

Lorrie Shepard

Lee Shulman

Robert S. Siegler

Judith Singer

Diana Slaughter Kotzin

Robert Slavin

Marshall Smith

Catherine E. Snow

Margaret Beale Spencer

James Spillane

Claude Steele

Robert Sternberg

James Stigler

Deborah Stipek

Carola Suárez-Orozco

Marcelo Suárez-Orozco

William F. Tate IV

David S. Tatel

Marta Tienda

William Tierney

Judith Torney-Purta

Guadalupe Valdes

Deborah Vandell

Maris Vinovskis

Noreen Webb

Bernard Weiner

Lois Weis

Roger Weissberg

Amy Stuart Wells

Clifton Wharton

Carl Wieman

John Willett

William Julius Wilson

Mark Wilson

Suzanne Wilson

Sam Wineburg

Carol Camp Yeakey

Hirokazu Yoshikawa

Kenneth Zeichner

Members emeriti

Carl Bereiter

Derek Bok

Courtney Cazden

Allan M. Collins

K. Patricia Cross

Larry Cuban

Robert Dreeben

Elizabeth Fennema

David P. Gardner

Nathan Glazer

James Greeno

Jeremy Kilpatrick

Judith Lanier

Marvin Lazerson

Robert Levine

James G. March

Wilbert J. McKeachie

Robert Moses

Harold J. Noah

Denis Phillips

Thomas A. Romberg

Sheldon Rothblatt

Richard Shavelson

Kenneth Strike

Finis Welch

Foreign associates

Kieran Egan

Michael Fullan

Guy Neave

David Olson

Fritz Oser

Michael Rutter

Manabu Sato

Anna Sfard

Sidney Strauss

John Willinsky

J. Douglas Willms

Foreign associates emeriti

Paul Black

Erik De Corte

John Harrison