National Institute of Statistics (Romania)

The National Institute of Statistics is a Romanian government agency which is responsible for collecting national statistics, in fields such as geography, the economy, demographics and society. The institute is also responsible for conducting Romania's census every ten years, with the latest census being organised in 2011.


The head of the NIS is currently Tudorel Andrei, while the three vice-presidents are:
Marian Chivu, in charge of national accounts and the dissemination of statistical information
Romania's first official statistics body was the Central Office for Administrative Statistics, established on July 12, 1859, under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The organisation, one of the first national statistics organisations in Europe, conducted its first public census between 1859 and 1860.
The Romanian national statistics organisation was known under various names throughout the country's history, as can be seen in the table below:
English nameRomanian namePeriod
Central Office for Administrative StatisticsOficiul Central de Statistică Administrativă1859-1892
State Directorate for General StatisticsDirecţia de Statistică Generală a Statului1892-1925
State Institute for General StatisticsInstitutul de Statistica Generală a Statului1925-1936
Central Institute of StatisticsInstitutul Central de Statistică1936-1951
Central Directorate of StatisticsDirecţia Centrală de Statistică1951-1989
National Commission for StatisticsComisia Naţională pentru Statistică1989-1998
National Institute of Statistics and Economic StudiesInstitutul Naţional de Statistică şi Studii Economice1998-2001
National Institute of StatisticsInstitutul Naţional de Statistică2001-present