National School Choice Week

National School Choice Week was founded in 2011 to promote the concept of all forms of school choice: district schools, district magnet schools, charter schools, private schools, and home schooling. The week of events is scheduled the last week of January each year. As an organization it does not promote one form of educational choice over another, but rather contends that parents should have and make choices in the best interest of their children.


The week consists of independently organized events, both large and small, in schools, state capitols, and other public meetings featuring the movement's signature yellow scarves. According to the National School Choice Week website, "more than 131,000 NSCW events have been planned across the country" since 2011.
A number of notable celebrities and public officials have participated in events during National School Choice Week. For example, in January 2014, former WNBA basketball player Lisa Leslie joined with U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor for an event at Friendship Chamberlain Elementary School in Washington, D.C. In 2013, the Jonas Brothers kicked off National School Choice Week with a concert in Phoenix. In 2014, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee at an event at Minute Maid Park in Houston. In 2015, National School Choice Week opened with a nationally televised event in Jacksonville, Florida, featuring speeches NFL star Desmond Howard, Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, and a video greeting by US Senator Marco Rubio. In 2018, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos spoke at a National School Choice Week event on Capitol Hill.
National education organizations that have participated in the week's events include the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, Magnet Schools of America, the Council on American Private Education, the National Coalition for Public School Options, the Home School Legal Defense Association, the American Federation for Children, the Association of American Educators, the Black Alliance for Educational Options, the Children's Scholarship Fund, Choice Media, Education Reform Now, Families Empowered, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, and the 50 State Campaign for Achievement Now.
Governors and mayors across the country have issued resolutions and proclamations in support of the movement. The list of governors includes Bobby Jindal, John Hickenlooper, Scott Walker, and Martin O'Malley. Well-known mayors such as Marty Walsh and Kevin Johnson have also voiced their support. From 2015-2019, the US Senate has passed a commemorative resolution recognizing School Choice Week, and U.S. President Donald J. Trump issued similar proclamations in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
The President of National School Choice Week is Andrew Campanella. He has served in this capacity since 2012.