Native Communications

Native Communications Inc. is a public radio network in the Canadian province of Manitoba. The network provides programming by and for Canadian First Nations was founded by Donald A. McIvor of Wabowden, Manitoba. He enlisted support from founding board member:
John Tait, Norway House, Manitoba
Bernadette Beardy, Cross Lake, Manitoba
Margaret Head, The Pas, Manitoba
NCI-FM broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on more than 50 FM radio transmitters located throughout Manitoba, reaching over 70 communities. Its headquarters is located at 1507 Inkster Boulevard in Winnipeg. The company also operates CIUR-FM, a youth-oriented radio station in Winnipeg which airs distinct programming from the main network.
The newest major site includes a transmitter located near Minnedosa, servicing the Brandon and Dauphin regions. as well as one in Ontario.
Call signFrequencyCity of License
VF21960096.9 FMBerens River
VF23390096.9 FMBloodvein
CIWM-FM0107.5 FMBrandon/Dauphin
VF22200096.9 FMBrochet
VF24200093.9 FMCamperville
VF23120096.9 FMChurchill
VF22610096.9 FMCormorant
CICP-FM0096.9 FMCranberry Portage
VF21950093.5 FMCross Lake
VF24210093.5 FMDauphin River
VF22620096.9 FMDuck Bay
VF23370093.5 FMEasterville
CIFR-FM0096.9 FMFairford/Lake St. Martin
CIFF-FM0101.1 FMFlin Flon
VF23340093.5 FMFox Lake
VF21980096.9 FMGarden Hill
VF23330095.5 FMGillam
VF21740093.5 FMGods Lake Narrows
VF21750093.9 FMGods River
VF22630096.9 FMGrand Rapids
VF23360093.5 FMGriswold
VF23400093.5 FMHollow Water/Manigotagan
VF24220093.9 FMIlford/War Lake
VF24040093.5 FMJackhead
VF21060096.9 FMLac Brochet
VF23350093.5 FMLake Manitoba
VF24060093.5 FMLeaf Rapids
VF24070096.9 FMLittle Grand Rapids
VF23820101.7 FMLong Plain
VF24230096.9 FMLynn Lake
VF23130096.9 FMMoose Lake
VF22220096.9 FMNelson House
CINR-FM0092.9 FMNorway House
VF23140096.9 FMOxford House
VF25040093.3 FMPaint Lake
VF24050093.5 FMPauingassi
CIPM-FM0100.9 FMPeguis
CKQX-FM0096.9 FMPelican Rapids
VF22640096.9 FMPikwitonei
VF21670096.9 FMPukatawagan
VF21080096.9 FMRed Sucker Lake
CIST-FM0093.5 FMSt. Theresa Point
CICY-FM0105.5 FMSelkirk
VF21990096.9 FMShamattawa
VF23420093.5 FMSherridon
VF24620096.3 FMSnow Lake
CISI-FM0096.9 FMSouth Indian Lake
VF22650096.9 FMSplit Lake
CISF-FM0090.5 FMSwan Lake
CISV-FM0093.3 FMSwan River
VF21090096.9 FMTadoule Lake
CITP-FM0092.7 FMThe Pas
VF23380096.9 FMThicket Portage
CINC-FM0096.3 FMThompson
VF21680096.9 FMWabowden
CIWR-FM0093.5 FMWaterhen
CHYL-FM0093.5 FMYork Landing
CINC-FM105.5 FMWinnipeg