Ne-no-kuni or Soko-tsu-ne-no-kuni in the Nihon Shoki, also called Ne-no-kata-su-kuni or Haha-no-kuni in the Kojiki, refers to a netherworld in Japanese mythology. It is sometimes considered to be identical toYomi, another netherworld in the myths as well as tasked his children with the rule over the various realms: Amaterasu got the "Plain of the High Heaven", Tsukuyomi got the "Dominion of the Night", and Susanoo got the "Sea Plain". However, Susanoo ignored this command and kept crying over the loss of his dead mother Izanami, such that his weeping lead to death and destruction. As Susanoo wished, Izanagi expelled him to be near his mother in Ne-no-kata-su-kuni. In the previous episodes about Izanami's death this land is called Yomi. The Nihon Shoki mentions Ne-no-kuniin passing when describing an episode where Susanoo was banished from Takama-ga-hara for various evil acts he committed, and went to a place called Ne-no-kuni. According to the Kojiki when Ōkuninushi visited Ne-no-kuni and insulted Susanoo he was submitted to overcome three ordeals, one being described to sleep in a house infested with snakes, centipedes and wasps. This is sometimes taken as another hint that Ne-no-kuni is a subterranean realm. One explanation of the myth contrasts the trials of Ōkuninushi to a symbolic death through rites of initiation that cause one to become reborn into a new life. In this story, death doesn't pollute, it regenerates. The land of the dead also contains the forces of life, tama. The Michiae no matsurinorito is an ancient Shintoprayeraskingthe gods to prevent the evil beings from Ne-no-kuni-Soko-no-kuni to do any harm. The Minatsuki no tsugomori no ōharae , also shortŌharae no kotoba, which is performed in the great purification ceremony of the sixth month locates Ne-no-kuni-Soko-no-kuni in the "Great Sea Plain", i.e. the ocean. Yanagita Kunio compared Ne no Kuni to the Niraikanai of the Ryukyuan religion. This paradisaical land is situated beyond the seas.