As of May 2016, Neal Menzies had published more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has an h-index of 25 as of May 2016. In 2011 Menzies was appointed Dean of Agriculture, and Head of the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences in the University of Queensland. In 2016 he was elected President of the Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture for a two-year term. Menzies has served as secretary, vice-president and president of the Queensland branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science Inc., and vice-president and president of the federal ASSSI branch. In addition, from 2006 to 2010, Menzies was elected as vice-president of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Menzies has helped attract more than $20,000,000 of research funding since joining the University of Queensland in 1994. He was also a program leader in the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment, Associate Editor of the Journal of Environmental Quality, and vice-chair of the organizing committee for the 19th World Congress of Soil Science held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in 2010. His current research focuses largely on the phytotoxicity of trace metals in soil solutions, giving particular consideration to aluminium and other trace metals such as lead, copper, zinc, and nickel. Professor Menzies was one of the first Soil Scientists to examine the impact of biochar on soil solution composition and soil chemical fertility. Since this time, his research has focused on the development of novel biochar technologies, with a focus on improving plant growth and food production in Africa. His key research colleagues in the University of Queensland Soil Science group include Dr J Bernard Wehr, Dr Peng Wang and Dr Peter Kopittke.
Selected bibliography
Beal C D, Rassam D W, Gardner E A, Kirchhof G and Menzies N W 2008 Influence of hydraulic loading and effluent flux on surface surcharging in soil absorption systems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 13, 681–692.
Kopittke P M, Asher C J, Blamey F P C, Auchterlonie G J, Guo Y N and Menzies N W 2008 Localization and chemical speciation of Pb in roots of signal grass and Rhodes grass. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 4595–4599.
Kopittke P M, Dart P J and Menzies N W 2007 Toxic effects of low concentrations of Cu on nodulation of Cowpea. Environmental Pollution 145, 309–315.
Menzies N W, Donn M J and Kopittke P M 2007 Evaluation of extractants for estimation of the phytoavailable trace metals in soils. Environmental Pollution 145, 121–130.
Kopittke P M, Menzies N W and Blamey F P C 2004 Rhizotoxicity of aluminate and polycationic aluminium at high pH. Plant and Soil 266, 177–186.
Menzies N W, Bell L C and Edwards D G 1994 Exchange and solution phase chemistry of acid, highly weathered soils. I. Characteristics of soils and the effects of lime and gypsum amendments. Australian Journal of Soil Research 32: 251–267.
Menzies N W, Bell L C and Edwards D G 1994 Exchange and solution phase chemistry of acid, highly weathered soils. II. Investigation of mechanisms controlling Al release into solution. Australian Journal of Soil Research 32, 269–283.
Menzies N W, Bell L C and Edwards D G 1991 Characteristics of membrane filters in relation to aluminium studies in soil solutions and natural waters. Journal of Soil Science 42 585–597.
Award for Excellence in Research, School of Land and Food Sciences, the University of Queensland, 2006
Award for Outstanding Achievement in Collaborative R&D, Australian Business and Higher Education Roundtable, 2002