Neha Singh

Not to be confused with Neha Devi Singh or Pavitra Punia, whose real name is also Neha Singh.
Neha Singh is a female Indian theatre maker, author and campaigner who encourages women to ignore harassment and reclaim the public space.
Neha Singh started the Why loiter? movement in 2014, after reading the book 'Why loiter?' written by three Mumbai based feminists, Shilpa Phadke, Sameera Khan and Shilpa Ranade. The movement is in its fourth year now and Neha, along with other participants have explored and experimented with various forms on loitering.
Neha is the editor-in-chief of the blog, which documents and collects stories of the loitering group as well as stories sent in by various women across the world about their own experiences of public spaces.
She was named on the BBC's annual list of #100women who have made a positive impact on the world in 2016.
The campaign involves encouraging women to report instances of sexual harassment and rape against men in authority.
Neha Singh started writing for children in 2011 and her first book "The Wednesday Bazaar" was released in 2014. Since then she has written seven books for children and has been featured in an anthology.