Neighborhood Story is a manga by Ai Yazawa. It was published by Shueisha from 1995 to 1998 in the magazine Ribon. It was adapted by Toei Animation as a 50-episode anime series which aired on TV Asahi from September 10, 1995 to September 1, 1996, with merchandise created by Bandai. There was a movie made in 1996, and a drama CD and soundtrack were also produced. Starting on September 19, 2005, Gokinjo Monogatari began being republished in a deluxe edition. Paradise Kiss takes place afterward and has some of Gokinjo's characters return in it.
Mikako Kōda and Tsutomu Yamaguchi are students who attend Yazawa Geijyutsu Gakuen, a specialhigh school for the arts in Tokyo. They reside in the same apartment building where they have built a long-standing friendship since infancy. However, as has been humorously pointed out by their apartment manager, Mikako and Tsutomu's feelings have undergone an unmistakable metamorphosis. Mikako and Tsutomu's friends inside and outside of the Akindo club also detect this change and wonder one thing: Will Mikako and Tsutomu embrace what is already community discourse or will they deteriorate into leading very bitter adult lives of not-at-all-significant brevity and dysphoria?
Main characters
Primary Characters
;Mikako Kouda ;Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Secondary Characters
Akindo members
Risa Kanzaki Mai Oota Jiro Nishino Yuusuke Tashiro
Ancillary Characters
;Hamada-sensei ;Noriji Sunami
Kouda family
;Miwako Sakurada ;Ruriko Kouda ;Hirohiko Sakurada
Nakasu family
Mariko Nakasu She later marries her Shuuichi, and has a son. Shintaro Nakasu
Tertiary Characters
Ayumi Oikawa She later marries Yuusuke and she is last seen pregnant with his child. Hiroaki Tokumori Initially considered an 'older-brother' type figure to Miwako, his role is late replaced by Seiji. Kisaragi Seiji Shuuichi Shintani
The Gokinjo Monogatarianime ran for 50 episodes from September 10, 1995 through September 1, 1996. Produced by Toei Animation, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation and Asatsu-DK, the series is directed by Atsutoshi Umezawa, with Aya Matsui handling series composition, Yoshihiko Umakoshi designing the characters and Masahiro Kawasaki composing the music. A DVD box set containing all episodes was released on September 28, 2005. The opening theme is "He.Ro.I.Ne", the first ending theme is "Don't You Know?!" and the second ending theme is "NG!", all sung by Rumi Shishido. The animated Gokinjo Monogatari movie has a 30-minute runtime and was released on March 2, 1996. It is an alternate retelling of the beginning of the series. It was released theatrically as a back-to-back presentation alongside . Ai Yazawa, the original author of the manga, makes a cameo appearance in the final episode, voicing a flea market customer.