
Neology is the coining of new words, from the Greek root. This practice may be compared with other less mentally intensive, although sometimes computationally intensive forms of wordplay such as anagrams and acrostics, as well as fully developed theories or practices of language, such as aphorisms, poetics, and literary essays.
Sometimes neology is seen as related to the development of new isms, since a new word can mean a new idea.

Neology in theology

Neology was the name given to the rationalist theology of Germany or the rationalisation of the Christian religion. It was preceded by slightly less radical Wolffism.
Chambers English Dictionary of 1872 adds the application of this term specifically to new theological doctrines, especially those arising from German Rationalism: which would have been by those who deprecated them.
The Swedish encyclopaedia Nationalencyklopedin defines neology as a type of Protestant theology during the second half of 18th century, to large extent formed by ideas from the Enlightenment including British deism.
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, neology was based on the downplaying of revelation, fulfillment of biblical prophecies, and miracles, in favor of reason as the most important tool for understanding God. Important figures were the filosopher Christian Wolff and theologian Johann Salomo Semler. Neology dominated Lutheranism during late 18th century.
In Judaism, Neology means Neolog Judaism, based in Hungary.