Neuberg formula

In duplicate bridge pairs tournaments, the Neuberg formula is a method of fairly adjusting match point scores achieved on boards which have been played fewer times than other boards. The objective is to estimate the number of match points that would have been earned if they had been played the same number of times as the other boards, while also attempting to give the board equal weight to the others.
Originally developed by Gérard Neuberg of France, the Neuberg formula is in widespread international use.
A board might have been played fewer times than others because:
The method is:
The formula was developed by Gérard Neuberg, a French mathematician.
He died at the end of 2016: there is a brief obituary in the
French Bridge Federation magazine

Other uses

The formula can also be used for example in a club competition when it is desired to give equal weight to scores achieved over a number of sessions, but there were different numbers of tables at each session.