
NewGenLib is an integrated library management system developed by Verus Solutions Pvt Ltd. Domain expertise is provided by Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management in Hyderabad, India. NewGenLib version 1.0 was released in March 2005. On 9 January 2008, NewGenLib was declared free and open-source under GNU GPL. The latest version of NewGenLib is 3.1.1 released on 16 April 2015. Many libraries across the globe are using NewGenLib as their Primary integrated library management system as seen form the NewGenlib discussion forum.

Modules & Functions

NewGenLib has following main modules:
Some advanced functional features:
  1. Android mobile and tablet capable
  2. Integration with Twitter helping send messages of transactions directly to users’ Twitter accounts.
  3. Flexibility of defining own search field in OPAC.
  4. Enhanced contents and interactive OPAC like Availability of Book jackets, Google preview, Comments/ Book review, Tagging, Favorite reading list, etc.
  5. Zotero compliant OPAC
  6. RSS Feeds in OPAC
  7. Faceted Browsing
  8. Suggestion for other books in the rack
  9. RFID supports
  10. Provision for frequently used predefined templates along with freedom of defining own customized data entry template s in Cataloguing
  11. Configurable SMS system - a proof of transaction.
  12. Integration with Gmail or paid mailbox account. This enables automatic sending of email to patrons during issue /return.
  13. Enhanced Report Module for generating in.csv format with a provision for wide customization.
  14. Provision for integrating with Vufind SOPAC.
  15. Catalogue can be harvested through Google site map, and thus the visibility of the library can be further improved.

    Technologies Used & Standards Supported

NewGenLib uses a number of well supported and widely used, reliable and well tested open source components like
PostgreSQL, Apache Tomcat, and Solr Lucene.,. It is entirely Java-based, platform-neutral, and uses the following major software technologies in its presentation, web server and database layers.
NewGenLib is platform independent and can be installed on Linux and Windows operating systems.
Standards supported by NewGenLib
Import and Export in ISO 2709, MARC XML
− Import available in ISO 2709
− Holdings data structures designed for MARC21 Holdings.
Bibliographic records can be exported in MODS 3.0 and AGRIS AP
− Record display and punctuations as per ISBD rules.
− Allows harvesting from external repositories
− Create Open archive collections, and items, search the repositories and also act as data provider
− Metadata formats: MARC XML, DUBLIN CORE, MODS 3.0 and AGRIS
− Federated search engines can search bibliographic databases using this protocol
− Query language: CQL, bench marking Level 1 compliance
− Profiles used: BATH, and DUBLIN CORE
− Metadata standards: MARC XML and MODS 3.0
It is also Zotero Compliant.

Types of libraries

NewGenLib can be used for any type of library. Presently, it is used by Libraries of following types.