New Galician Left

New Galician Left is a Galician left-wing political organization.


NEG was formed in 2013 by former members of Galician Left Unity and the entire membership of New Socialist Left. Both groups had been part of Anova-Nationalist Brotherhood since its foundation. This organization, formed through the merger of the two small parties, was also joined by about twenty ex-members of the Galician Socialist Party.
Currently the party is in a relationship of ongoing collaboration with organizations like Open Left, Convergence for Extremadura, Ezker Batua-Berdeak, Compromís, Plural Space and Socialist Left Initiative and is part of the left-wing coalition La Izquierda, that advocates the creation, for the future elections, of a left front that could break the two-party system in Spain.
Óscar Álvarez Lomba and Lois Pérez Leira are the two spokespersons of the party.