New Libertarian Manifesto

New Libertarian Manifesto is a libertarian philosophical treatise by Samuel Edward Konkin III. It is the first explanation of agorism, a philosophy created by Konkin. Konkin proffers various arguments of how a free society would function as well as examples of existing gray and black markets. It contains criticisms of using political or violent means and advocates non-politics with non-voting as a strategy. Finally, Konkin describes the steps of using the black market to dismantle the state, a strategy known as counter-economics.
The work was first printed by Anarchosamisdat Press in October 1980, and subsequently by Koman Publishing Co. in February 1983 and by KoPubCo in 2006. Konkin declared the book to be a "black market best-seller".


Libertarian Robert LeFevre hailed the work "for its position respecting consistency, objective and method" and claimed that "it will have and deserves to have a compelling influences upon members of the 'old' left."