New Tradition Chorus

The New Tradition Chorus is a men's barbershop chorus based in Northbrook, IL, in the Chicago area. Founded in 1982, they have competed at the International Chorus Contest of the Barbershop Harmony Society 19 times, winning a medal on every attempt until the 2009 competition, where they finished 15th. They have won ten bronze medals, a record eight consecutive silver medals, and the gold medal in 2001.


Dan Wessler is a director, singer and barbershop arranger. He sings bass in After Hours, the 2018 Barbershop Harmony Society International Quartet Champions, and has arranged both contestable and non-contestable songs for his quartet and various other choruses/quartets. As a barbershop chorus director, Dan has frequently been a clinician for boys’ choruses for Youth In Harmony barbershop events.
Dan holds a bachelor's degree in Music Education from Bradley University, as well as a master's degree in Choral Conducting from Western Illinois University. He is currently the Choir Director at Freeport High School in Freeport, IL.