Ngande - Ande

Pedukuhan Ngande - Ande is located in Kelurahan Purwodadi, Kecamatan Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The name of Ngande - Ande taken by the name of tree, called Ande-ande Tree.


The name of Ngande - ande taken by the name of legendary tree in this village, named Ande - ande Tree. It was different story with Ande - ande Lumut. Once upon the time, there was a sunan, a man who was spreading Islam in Javanese culture. One of Wali Songo. In his journey, he stopped under a tree called the Ande - ande tree. Because this village has no name, he gave Ngande - ande as the name.


Ngande - ande is located in the border of Kecamatan Tepus and Kelurahan Purwodadi. In the east bordering with Kecamatan Girisubo, in the south with forest, in the west with Dusun Cepogo and the north side with Dusun Wuluh



100% of the villager is Muslim People. Islam was grew up slowly and become the only religion in this village.


The village is passed by the provincial road link that connects East Java - Yogyakarta - Central Java - West Java - Jakarta via the south coast route. There is a mass transportation everyday from Daksinarga Terminal in Wonosari.


  1. Mosque, Masjid Al Hidayah
  2. Balai Dusun
  3. Pos Kamling
  4. Water Reservoir