Ngari Capes Marine Park

The Ngari Capes Marine Park is a marine protected area on the lower south west coast of Western Australia, located approximately south of. The marine park was gazetted on and the park's western and southern boundaries are the limit of coastal waters of Western Australia, abutting the South-west Corner Marine Park located within the Australian Commonwealth exclusive economic zone.


The dive wreck of is located within the park waters, between Dunsborough and Cape Naturaliste.
The park includes a significant number of sanctuary, surfing, shore-based activity and recreation zones.
The largest sanctuary zones are East Geographe, Eagle Bay, Cape Naturaliste, Injidup, Cape Freycinet, Cape Leeuwin and East Flinders Bay. From the north to the south, some of the special sanctuary zones within the park are East Geographe, Central Geographe Bay, Eagle Bay, Eagle Bay Special Purpose Zone, Cape Naturaliste, and Windmills Special Purpose Zone .

Named zones

Named zones in the park, from the north: