Nickel Creek (album)

Nickel Creek is an album by the acoustic/newgrass trio Nickel Creek. The group had released two albums prior to this; however, their earlier albums are no longer in print, and the band redefined their style before the release of Nickel Creek. As a result, Nickel Creek is widely regarded as their debut album. It was released by Sugar Hill Records, and produced by bluegrass star Alison Krauss.

Track listing

Original album cover

The album was originally released with a different cover photo which featured fourth band member Scott Thile. He was also mentioned more extensively in the album credits. Upon his departure from the band, the album was reprinted with a new photo which featured the remaining three members of the band, and Scott's credits were lessened slightly to simply indicate his performance on the individual songs.
Other than photography and booking credits, the track listings, performances, and all other credits are identical on both releases.

Chart positions
