Nicolae Filip

Nicolae Filip was born in the village of Sofia, Bălți County to a family of farmers. He was an expert in the field of physics, and contributed significantly to the study of "The spread of ultrashort radio waves." He was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
He was the Chancellor of Bălți's State University "Alecu Russo".


Nicolae Filip was born on 3 March 1926, in Sofia Village of Bălți County, in a family of peasants. He completed the primary 7 years school at his native village, and then, the middle school No. 1 in the Bălți town.
In 1948, he became a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the State University, Chișinău. After the third year of education, he was transferred to the Pedagogical Institute of Chișinău and in 1952graduated it with the honorable mention, obtaining the diploma of physicist. In the same year, he became a lecturer at the Soroca Institute of Education.
Since 1953, he has been working at the Pedagogical Institute in Bălți and, after its reorganization into the "A. Russo” State University, he occupied the positions of lecturer, senior lecturer, professor, associate professor, head of the department, deputy-rector for science, rector.


Bălți Municipal Council Decision Nr. 11/24 on 03.04.2001, the recorded in the Book of Honor by assigning him the title "Honorary Citizen mun. Bălți."