Nicolas Grenier
Nicolas Grenier is a French poet and songwriter. He lives in Paris.
He is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies and Sorbonne. Nicolas Grenier is a professor at the HEC Paris.
In France, he's one of major poets of the young generation. Fifty international and French reviews publish his poems in fifteen languages.
He is a figure of Japanese poems with tanka and haiku. His first collection of poems about Saint-Germain-des-Pres has the Paul Eluard Prize.
He works with international artists about music and photography.
He translates in French with David Rochefort Barack Obama's poems, Pop and Underground.
He writes with American composer tributes to Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Ludwig Wittgenstein and places Marrakech and Paris.Music
- Windows to Bill Gates or Paul Allen and History of Windows, The Implicit Order, American band, ;
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the Toddler Nicholas from Paris in Five Stories, The Implicit Order, American band, ;
- Dreaming in the Southern Polar Cap of Your Thin Arms, Bruce Leitch, American composer ;
- How Long is Her Hair in a Projection Room? Statistical and Fractional Dimension, Robert Lewinski, English composer, ;
- Marrakech Below the Waterline Schweppes Symphony, Anna Stereopoulou, Greek composer, ;
- A Cosmos is a Harmonious and Philosophical System, Bruce Leitch, American composer ;
- Space is Curved and it is Possible to Have a Straight Line, Elizabeth Veldon, English composer ;
- Sur le Chemin La Nuit, Marco Lucchi, Italian composer ;
- Timeline of Cosmological Theories or Sloan Great Wall, Javier Rosendo, Spanish composer ;
- The Voice in Your Hand, Motohiko Hirami, Japanese composer ;
- The First Day of Your New Life , Motohiko Hirami, Japanese composer .