Night After Night with Allan Havey
Night After Night with Allan Havey is a late night talk show which aired on The Comedy Channel and, later, Comedy Central from 1989 to 1992. The show featured the stream of consciousness of host Allan Havey, and other departures from the standard late-night talk show format. Havey's sidekick was Nick Bakay, who moved on to act as sidekick on Dennis Miller's short-lived late night talk show.
Another feature was the "Audience of One," which was literally a single person sitting off-camera, ostensibly serving the same kind of feedback purposes as a normal talk show's studio audience. However, in one episode, "Audience of One" members were brought back for one episode that featured a full studio audience.
The show did feature the usual interviews with celebrities who were doing the talk show circuit, but they were done in a more low-key, one-on-one manner, which was uncommon at that time.