Nikon 1 AW1

The Nikon 1 AW1 is a Nikon 1 series high-speed mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera by Nikon. It is a waterproof, rugged, high-speed MILC camera with water pressure resistance, shockproof from, and freezeproof to. It was announced on September 19, 2013 together with two waterproof lenses.
It has nearly the same features as the 1 J3, but with a heavier body and GPS added.

Features list

tested the camera extensively both on land and in the sea and noted that the camera had much better image quality than other "rugged cameras" tested. They also noted, however, that "one must be extremely careful, as just a few grains of sand can end the AW1's life... and repairing or replacing it won't be cheap."