Nilacholey Kiriti

Nilacholey Kiriti is a Bengali, thriller drama film directed by Anindya Bikas Datta and produced by Rupa Datta. The film version is based on Basanta Rajani, the story of Kiriti Roy by Nihar Ranjan Gupta. This film was released on 9 February 2018 with the banner of Camellia Films Private Limited. It is a sequel to 2016 film Kiriti O Kalo Bhromor.


Bengali detective Kiriti Roy goes to Puri with his wife Krishna for their honeymoon. Kiriti stumbles on a series of mysterious incidents in the city. Police discover the dead body of a waiter, Sona Ali, working in a nearby hotel. A guest in the same hotel, Kali Sarkar, goes missing mysteriously and his room is ransacked during the night. Since Kiriti knows Kali from his childhood; he gets involved and starts an investigation into the murder and disappearances. He meets the hotel owner Harit Sanyal, his wife Runa Sanyal, and a mysterious young male adult masquerading as a woman. What ensues is a web of deceit, lies, and greed that culminates in a cathartic and surprising climax.
