Nilda Peragallo Montano is the Dean and Professor of the UNC School of Nursing in Chapel Hill, NC. She specializes in Women’s Health and Public Health. Her primary research interest is HIV/AIDS Prevention in Latino Women.
Acosta, E., & Peragallo, N. P.. Looking forward, looking back: A qualitative analysis of a focus group of HIV positive Latinas. Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamericano Journal of Psychology, 35, 167–181 Cianelli, R., Ferrer, L., & Peragallo, N. P.. A concept analysis of empowerment: Its relationship to HIV/AIDS prevention in Latino women. Hispanic Health Care International, 2, 6–12 Ferrer, L. M., Cianelli, R., Peragallo, N. P., & Cabieses, B. . Violencia doméstica y su relación con depresión y autoestima en mujeres mexicanas y puertorriqueñas en Estados Unidos. Horizonte de enfermería, 15, 11–22 Kim, Y. J., Peragallo, N. P., & DeForge, B.. Predictors of program participation in an HIV risk reduction intervention for low-income Latino women. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 527–534 Lee, S., Kim, Y. J., & Peragallo, N. P.. Missing data in nursing research: Review of issues and treatment strategies. Hispanic Health Care International, 2, 31–38 Peragallo, N. P., DeForge, B., O’Campo, P., & Lee, S.. SEPA: HIV risk reduction intervention for US Latinas. Abstract of the XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 159 Peragallo, N. P., DeForge, B., O’Campo, P., Lee, S., & Kim, Y. J.. Developing a culturally sensitive HIV risk reduction intervention in Latinas. Abstract of 13TH International nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Queensland, Australia, 223 Peragallo, N. P., DeForge, B., O’Campo, P., Lee, S., Kim, Y. J., Cianelli, R., & Ferrer, L.. A randomized clinical trial of an HIV risk reduction intervention among low-income Latina women. Nursing Research, 54, 108–118 Peragallo, N. P., DeForge, B., Rivero, R., Khoury, Z., & Talashek, M.. Latinas’ perspective on HIV/AIDS: Cultural issues to consider in prevention. Hispanic Health Care International, 1, 11-23 Peragallo, N. P., Fox, P.G., & Alba, M.. Acculturation and self-breast examination among immigrant Latino women in the United States. International Nursing Review, 47, 38–45 Peragallo, N. P. & Gonzalez, R. . Nursing research and the prevention of infectious disease among vulnerable populations. In D. Konniak-Griffin, Annual Review of Nursing Research