Nilus the Sandman

Nilus the Sandman is a Canadian part-animated and part-live-action television series that originally aired on The Family Channel from October 5, 1996 to November 23, 1998. The series was preceded by three Nilus the Sandman television specials broadcast between 1991 and 1995 on CTV. The series was produced by Cambium Film & Video Productions and Delaney & Friends Cartoon Productions, and distributed by The Family Channel and Western International Communications.
The show features the Sandman, named Nilus, who helps children and teenagers through their dreams while they are asleep, with the dream stories being animated. The scenes at the beginning and the end of each episode are shot in live action in Vancouver, British Columbia. The show has a total of 26 episodes which aired over two seasons.
The show later aired on A Channel in Alberta and MTN in Manitoba.


helps children with day-to-day difficulties through helping them achieve happier dreams. While the children sleep he sneaks in and takes sand out of his pocket and flicks it into the air, which leads the children into their animated dream. The children are first surprised with their new animated avatar-self and start a journey discovering Nilus's friendly acquaintances – a talking clam and a camel – who help him during his mission.

Cast and characters

Prior to the series' premiere, three Nilus the Sandman television specials were broadcast on CTV:
The series aired a total of 26 episodes over two seasons between 1996 and 1998.

Season 1 (1996–1997)

Season 2 (1998)