Nipukatasi River

The Nipukatasi River is a tributary of the Broadback River flowing west to Rupert Bay, south of James Bay. The Nipukatasi River flows in the municipality of Eeyou Istchee Baie-James, in the administrative region of Nord-du-Québec, in Quebec, in Canada.


The surrounding hydrographic slopes of the Nipukatasi River are:
A small unnamed lake is the head of the Nipukatasi River. This lake is located northwest of Lake Caminscanane, southwest of Morain Lake and southeast of Lake Bétulaie.

Course downstream of the head lake

From this head lake, the Nipukatasi River flows to the northeast more or less parallel to the west shore of Morain Lake. Then the river branches westward to flow into marsh areas, to the east bank of Lake Bétulaie, which the current crosses on to the west. Then the Nipukatasi River flows for first for to the north, then to the southwest more or less parallel to the northwestern shore of Lake Bétulaie through marsh areas. except on the last. The river flows on the north shore of Amisquioumisca Lake as the current flows to the southwest.

Segment downstream from Amisquioumisca lake

Amisquioumisca Lake is the main body of water on the Nipukatasi River. Its mouth is located southwest of the lake.
From the mouth of this lake, the Nipukatasi River first flows to the west. The river branches north to flow to a dump from the east. Then the river reorients itself for to the southwest. Next, the river branches north for to the south shore of Lake Rocher, which flows to the northeast. In its last segment, the river flows to the northeast crossing a lake.
The Nipukatasi River flows on the south shore of the Broadback River upstream of Quenonisca Lake.


The toponym Nipukatasi River was formalized on December 5, 1968, at the Commission de toponymie du Québec.