Nirjutiqavvik National Wildlife Area

Nirjutiqavvik National Wildlife Area is a National Wildlife Area on Coburg Island within Qikiqtaaluk, Nunavut, Canada. It is located in Baffin Bay's Lady Ann Strait between Ellesmere Island, to the north, and Devon Island to the south. The NWA includes Coburg Island and its surrounding marine area.
It was established in 1995. Of its in overall size, are a marine area with marine and intertidal components.
The NWA is one of the most important seabird nesting areas in the Canadian Arctic for black guillemot, black-legged kittiwake, northern fulmar, and thick-billed murre. It is also an important area for polar bears, walruses, ringed seals and bearded seals. beluga and narwhal whales migrate this area.

Other designations

Other conservation designations include International Biological Program site, Key Migratory Bird Terrestrial Habitat site, Key Marine Habitat Area, and Canadian Important Bird Area.