No-go pill

In the U.S. military and other uses, a no-go pill refers to a hypnotic medication taken to ensure adequate rest in preparation for upcoming tasks or for rest and recovery. As of November 2012, medications approved as no-go pills by the U.S. Air Force for Special Operations include:
In contrast to the sleeping agents, a go pill refers to a wakefulness-promoting agent used for fatigue management, especially in a military combat-readiness context; this is contrasted with a no-go pill, which is used to promote sleep in support of combat operations. A go pill generally contains one of the following drugs:
The U.S. Air Force uses dextroamphetamine as one of its "go pills", given to pilots on long missions to help them remain focused and alert. Conversely, "no-go pills" are used after the mission is completed, to combat the effects of the mission and "go-pills".