No One Knows (Stephy Tang EP)

No One Knows is an EP by Cantonese pop singer and Hong Kong actress Stephy Tang, released by Gold Typhoon on July 16, 2010. The title song was released as the first single. It is the first of four tracks. No One Knows is written by Roxanne Seeman, Kine Ludvigsen-Fossheim, and Olav Fossheim. Stephy sings all four tracks in Cantonese.

Chart performance

No One Knows single charted 3rd for HK Metro Radio 907 and TVB, 5th on RTHK and 11th on CRHK.

Track listing

No One Knows (Stephy x Y.E.S.- 3D感官版)

No One Knows, is an EP by Stephy Tang released by Gold Typhoon Hong Kong in 2011. It contains the four tracks of the No One Knows EP with an additional track in Mandarin. The title song is the second track.

Track listing