No Sex Please, We're British (film)

No Sex Please, We're British is a 1973 British comedy film directed by Cliff Owen, and starring Ronnie Corbett, Ian Ogilvy, Susan Penhaligon, and Arthur Lowe. It is based on the 1971 play No Sex Please, We're British, with a number of changes to the original plot.


Runnicles, a clerk in a small-town British bank, is horrified when a package arrives containing pornography, rather than the new calculator he expected. His efforts to dispose of it, while avoiding detection, turn into a farcical series of events involving a bank inspector, the police, and a local criminal to whom the pornography actually belongs.


Writing in 1979, at the time of the American release, a reviewer for The New York Times wrote: "In its own way, it is well done... its simple-minded and by now rather outdated double and triple entendres."
TV Guide said: "A pleasing performance from Corbett... saves this otherwise average British farce from the usual doldrums."