Nomal Chandra Borah

Dr. Nomal Chandra Borah is a neurologist and the founder of the first super-specialty tertiary care hospital in the North-East India popularly known as Guwahati Neurological Research Centre Limited in Assam, India. He is also the managing trustee of Asian Institute of Nursing Education and also the owner of Medishop retail chain. Dr Borah set up the Guwahati Neurological Research Centre in 1984 with the help of Dr. K.V. Mathai, well-known neurosurgeon from Vellore. Eventually, in 1985, Guwahati Neurological Research Centre was turned into a limited company.

Early life and background

Born in a peasant family at Dubia, Assam in 1950, Dr. NC Borah had a humble beginning in life. Neither of his parents could read or write but he was never denied education. His early education began in the village primary school. Besides his studies, he used to help his parents in the field. He belongs to Sutiya community of Assam.
Dr. Borah’s father was not financially sound but it never discouraged him to go for higher education and he did private tuition to meet the expenses. Dr. Borah passed his higher secondary examination with excellent results and got admission into the MBBS course at Guwahati Medical College on the merit list. An educational loan from Government of Assam and a state merit scholarship assisted him to complete his degree. After that he joined the medical college as a demonstrator in pathology and completed his diploma in clinical pathology. He completed his MD degree in internal medicine, and then joined AIIMS as a senior resident, where he completed his three years training in neurology leading to a DM degree. In 1992, he did a graduate summer course in epidemiology and biostatistics from the University of Michigan, USA.

Awards and honours

He has a number of awards and achievements including