Non-SI units mentioned in the SI

This is a list of units that are not defined as part of the International System of Units, but are otherwise mentioned in the SI, because either the General Conference on Weights and Measures accepts their use as being multiples or submultiples of SI-units, they have important contemporary application worldwide, or are otherwise commonly encountered worldwide.

Units officially accepted for use with the SI

Changes to units mentioned in the SI

With the publication of the 9th SI brochure in 2019, the list of non-SI units listed in tables changed compared to the preceding 8th SI brochure. The table below compares the status of each unit for which the status has changed between editions of the SI Brochure.
NameSymbol8th SI Brochure9th SI Brochure
astronomical unitauacceptedaccepted
unified atomic mass unituacceptedfootnote only
n.u. of speedc0listednot mentioned
n.u. of actionħlistednot mentioned
n.u. of massmelistednot mentioned
n.u. of timeħ/listednot mentioned
a.u. of chargeelistednot mentioned
a.u. of massmelistednot mentioned
a.u. of actionħlistednot mentioned
a.u. of lengtha0listednot mentioned
a.u. of energyEhlistednot mentioned
a.u. of timeħ/Ehlistednot mentioned
barbarlistednot mentioned
millimetre of mercurymmHglistednot mentioned
ångströmÅlistednot mentioned
nautical mileMlistednot mentioned
barnblistednot mentioned
knotknlistednot mentioned
ergerglistednot mentioned
dynedynlistednot mentioned
poisePlistednot mentioned
stokesstlistednot mentioned
stilbsblistednot mentioned
photphlistednot mentioned
galGallistedfootnote only
maxwellMxlistednot mentioned
gaussGlistednot mentioned
œrstedOelistednot mentioned

In this table, the status descriptions have the following meanings:
The following table lists units that are effectively defined in side- and footnotes in the 9th SI brochure. Units that are mentioned without a definition or that occur in historical material recorded in the appendices are not included.
NameSymbolQuantityEquivalent SI unit
galGalacceleration1 Gal = 1 cm⋅s−2 = 0.01 m⋅s−2
unified atomic mass unitumass1 u = 1 Da =
volt-ampere reactivevarreactive power1 var = 1 V⋅A