North Herefordshire (UK Parliament constituency)

North Herefordshire is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since its 2010 creation by Bill Wiggin, a Conservative.

Members of Parliament

Constituency profile

The seat has a substantially self-sufficient population, covered by civil parishes and with low rates of unemployment and social housing in each ward, with income levels concentrated towards the average in Britain.


This constituency contains a northern and central part of Herefordshire, including the towns of Bromyard, Kington, Ledbury and Leominster.
The constituency has the electoral wards:
The village of Weobley was a former borough constituency that was abolished as a 'rotten borough' in 1832.


Parliament accepted the Boundary Commission's Fifth Periodic Review of Westminster constituencies which slightly altered this constituency for the 2010 general election to exclude those areas of the former county of Hereford and Worcester which are now in Worcestershire. This meant North Herefordshire being at its core a successor to Leominster constituency. The remainder of the county is covered by the Hereford and South Herefordshire seat.


Elections in the 2010s