North Shore Synagogue

The North Shore Synagogue is a Modern Orthodox Jewish synagogue located in the Sydney suburb of, New South Wales, Australia. Founded in 1947, and having built its synagogue in 1950, it is the oldest synagogue on Sydney's North Shore.


For thirty years the rabbi at the North Shore Synagogue was Rabbi David Rogut who retired in 2003. The current Rabbi is Rabbi Paul Lewin. North Shore Synagogue also has a Chazan, Zvi Teichtahl who came to the synagogue in 2008. Past Chazans have been Rabbi Binyamin Tanny and Danny Sloman. The North Shore Synagogue contains a Choir and a Ladies Guild. The current President of the North Shore Synagogue is Trevor Collins. Past presidents include Ken Wolfsohn, Sarah Zukerman, Calvin Stein and David Blitz. On Friday nights, Saturdays and religious festivals the synagogue conducts a children's service which is led by various youth over the age of fourteen.
The North Shore Synagogue runs a madrichim program on Tuesday evenings known as the 'Jewth Group'. They run activities on all the major festivals and hold children services on Friday evenings.