Northwest Yeshiva High School

Located in Mercer Island, Washington, Northwest Yeshiva High School is the state's only accredited, co-ed, college preparatory, dual-curriculum Jewish High School.


Founded in 1974, initially as an extension of Seattle Hebrew Academy in Seattle, Washington, Northwest Yeshiva was founded to incubate a Jewish environment for higher college preparatory learning in the region. In 1992, it moved to Mercer Island, Washington to the campus that it occupies today. Rabbi Bernie Fox retired in 2016 as Head of School after 31 years in the position. Jason Feld, former dean of students at Shalhevet High School, assumed the role of Head of School in July 2017.


The school's campus includes a sanctuary for prayer, multifunctional classrooms, STEM Lab, science and computer labs, a lunchroom, and an outdoor sport court.


Northwest Yeshiva's curriculum is integrated, encompassing both Judaic studies, including comprehensive Torah study that emphasis the development of critical thinking skills, as well as College Preparatory Academics.
The school is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission.

Judaic Studies

As a pioneer of forward-thinking Modern Orthodox Jewish education, NYHS is deeply committed to providing students with an extraordinary Judaic education that is intellectually engaging, spiritually inspiring, and rooted in traditional text and tradition.  In addition to an academically rigorous general studies program, NYHS offers a robust, deep and meaningful educational experience, both philosophically and in practice, to its students. The curriculum is designed to provide learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to become not just effective community leaders, but also ethical, thinking individuals.  In 2019, Rabbi Naftali Rothstein joined the faculty as the Campus Rabbi. Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Wieder, a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University, is the school's Halachic authority.

College Preparatory Studies

The school's College Preparatory Studies program focuses on critical thinking, curiosity, positive engagement with the community, and providing a secular preparatory education.
NYHS offers College in the High School courses in which students can earn University of Washington college credit. Currently, NYHS offers this option for Calculus A & B, Biology, Expository Writing, and Human Physiology. Freshmen have the opportunity to take a full STEM curriculum thanks to NYHS's partnership with the Center for the Initiatives in Jewish Education and the SAMIS Foundation.


A member of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, within the State Class IB, Northwest Yeshiva competes in multiple sports. The school changed its name from the 613s, a reference to the Torah's total number of mitzvot or commandments,to the Lions in memory of Ari Grashin Z"L, a student of NYHS who died in 2002. Ari means Lion in Hebrew.
The Lions compete in men's basketball, women's basketball, women's volleyball, and mixed cross-country, golf, and track.
In 2010, a WIAA State Girls' Basketball Tournament conflicted with Purim's Fast of Esther. The school's team, who had made it to State for the first time, had to balance religious obligations with playing and, in the end, decided there would be "no forfeit of faith," garnering significant media coverage.
Again in 2011, a WIAA State Girls' Volleyball Tournament conflicted, this time with Sabbath. Northwest's team once again decided "no forfeit of faith."
