
NoteEdit is a defunct music scorewriter for Linux and other Unix-like computer operating systems. Its official successor is Canorus.
NoteEdit is written in C++, uses the Qt3 toolkit, and is integrated with KDE. Released under the GNU General Public License, NoteEdit is free software.


NoteEdit, unlike some Linux-based music editors, features a graphical user interface. NoteEdit's design has been praised by ITworld, and Linux Journal praised both the interface and the relatively wide range of features and applications of the program.
It supports an unlimited number and length of staves, polyphony, MIDI playback of written notes, chord markings, lyrics, and a number of import and export filters to many formats like MIDI, MusicXML, abc, MUP, PMX, MusiXTeX and LilyPond.
Linux Magazine recommends using NoteEdit with FluidSynth, a software synthesizer, to expand NoteEdit's abilities. FluidSynth uses SoundFont technology to simulate the sound of a NoteEdit score played by live instruments.


NoteEdit was maintained by Jörg Anders for a long time. Since August 2004, a new development team was formed. Now there are quite a few people behind this software project:
In Autumn 2006 the development team decided to rewrite as score editor in Qt4 from scratch.