A nucleogenicisotope, or nuclide, is one that is produced by a natural terrestrial nuclear reaction, other than a reaction beginning with cosmic rays. The nuclear reaction that produces nucleogenic nuclides is usually interaction with an alpha particle or the capture of fission or thermal neutrons. Some nucleogenic isotopes are stable and others are radioactive. An example of a nucleogenic nuclide is neon-21 produced from neon-20 that absorbs a thermal neutron. Other nucleogenic reactions that produce heavy neon isotopes are reactions, starting with magnesium-24 and magnesium-25, respectively. The source of the neutrons in these reactions is often secondary neutrons produced by alpha radiation from natural uranium and thorium in rock. Because nucleogenic isotopes have been produced later than the birth of the solar system, nucleogenic isotopes, by definition, are not primordial nuclides. However, nucleogenic isotopes should not be confused with much more common radiogenic nuclides that are also younger than primordial nuclides, but which arise as simple daughter isotopes from radioactive decay. Nucleogenic isotopes, as noted, are the result of a more complicated nuclear reaction, although such reactions may begin with a radioactive decay event. Alpha particles that produce nucleogenic reactions come from natural alpha particle emitters in uranium and thorium decay chains. Neutrons to produce nucleogenic nuclides may be produced by a number of processes, but due to the short half-life of free neutrons, all of these reactions occur on Earth. Among the most common are cosmic ray spallation production of neutrons from elements near the surface of the Earth. Alpha emission produced by some radioactive decay also produces neutrons by spallation knockout of neutron rich isotopes, such as the reaction of alpha particles with oxygen-18. Neutrons are also produced by neutron emission and spontaneous fission of fissile isotopes on Earth. Nucleogenesis as a general phenomenon is a process usually associated with production of nuclides in the Big Bang or in stars, by nuclear reactions there. Some of these neutron reactions involve absorption by atomic nuclei of high-temperature neutrons from the star. These processes produce most of the chemical elements in the universe heavier than zirconium, because nuclear fusion processes become increasingly inefficient and unlikely for elements heavier than this. By convention, such heavier elements produced in normal elemental abundance, are not referred to as "nucleogenic". Instead, this term is reserved for nuclides made on Earth from natural nuclear reactions. Also, the term "nucleogenic" by convention excludes artificially produced radionuclides, for example tritium, many of which are produced in large amounts by a similar artificial processes, but using the copious neutron flux produced by conventional nuclear reactors.