Nyamira County

Nyamira County is a county in the former Nyanza Province of Kenya. It was formerly part of Kisii County when Kisii County was a district, and is sometimes called North Kisii County. The main cash crops grown are bananas and tea. The county has a population of 605,576 . Its capital and largest town is Nyamira, with an urban population of around 41,668

Physical and Topical Features

County lies between 1,250 m and 2,100 m above the sea level. Parmanent rivers include Sondu, Eaka, Kijauri, Kemera, Charachani, Gucha, Bisembe, Mogonga, Chirichiro, Ramacha and Egesagane and all of them drain water to lake victoria.

Climatic Conditions

County has a temperature range between 10C – 28.7C and Annual rainfall ranges between 1200 mm-2100 mm per annum.  long start December to June in and short rain seasons from June and July to November.


The county has a population of 605,576 of which 290,907 are male, 314,656 are female, and 13 who are intersex. There are 150,669 households spawning an average size of 4.0 persons per household and a population density 675 people per square kilometre.

Administrative and Political Units

Administrative Units

There are 5 sub counties, 14 divisions, 46 locations and 114 sub-locations.

Sub counties

It has 4 constituencies and 20 county assembly wards,

Political Leadership

Political Leadership
John Obiero Nyangarama is the Governor serving his last term in office after being elected twice 2013, 2017 and his deputy is Amos Kimwomi Nyaribo. Mogeni Erick Okong’o
is the Senator and has been senator since 2013. Jerusha Mongina Momanyi is the women representative and was elected in 2017 after winning against the Alice Chae who was the first women representative for the county.
For Nyamira County, the County Executive Committee comprises of:-
The Governor1
The Deputy Governor1
The County Secretary1
The CEC Members10



There is a total of 532 health facilities in the county with one county referral hospital. County has 610 health personnel of different cadre.
HIV prevalence is at 6.4% below the national 5.3%.

Transport and Communication

The county is covered by 388 Km of road network. of this 388 km is covered by earth surface, 208 km is murram surface.
There are 5 post offices and 15 sub post offices, 800 installed letter boxes, 700 rented letter boxes and 100 vacant letter boxes.

Trade and Commerce

There are 49 trading centres, 2049 registered businesses, 1641 licensed retail traders and 42 supermarkets.

County subdivisions

Electoral Constituencies

The county has the following constituencies:
  1. West Mugirango Constituency
  2. North Mugirango Constituency
  3. Kitutu Masaba Constituency
  4. Borabu Constituency