
Nyanbo! is a Japanese anime television series by Shirogumi. It is a spin-off of Kiyohiko Azuma's Yotsuba&! manga, based on the cat versions of the Danbo characters within the series. It began airing on September 27, 2016, on NHK-E.


The original Nyanbo or Nyanboard 60mm figures were created by Sentinel in December 2015. The figure maker Kotobukiya released smaller 35mm versions called Nyanboard nyano in December 2016, and larger 90mm versions called Nyanboard in January 2017.


Main Characters


Nyanbo Angels


Wild Black


Mecha Nyanbos


Other Characters




The anime began airing on September 27, 2016, on NHK-E as part of its "mini-anime" program. The opening theme for the series is "Uchū Kara Yattekita Nyanbō" by Trio Ōhashi.
The series is simulcast on Crunchyroll outside of Asia, who are also the master licensee for the series.

Episode list


The series was announced in February 2016 by the NHK after as a "mini anime" corner program for NHK-E. The series is produced by Shirogumi. The anime series does not adapt any part of the original Yotsuba&! manga series, although its main character Yotsuba Koiwai has a speechless cameo on the credits in every episode.