OCBC Cycle Singapore

OCBC Cycle Singapore is an annual mass participation cycling event held on closed public roads which encourages riders of all skill levels to take part. The 2019 edition will be held from 11 to 12 May.


The event has grown each year with more than 5,300 participants in 2009 and 9,000 in 2010. In 2011, over 10,000 participated in OCBC Cycle Singapore 2011.

Event Categories

1) Criterium Events
Women’s Open
Masters’ Open
Men’s Open
Professional Criterium
2) The Super Challenge
Distance: 59 km
Open to 1,500 participants
3) The Challenge
Distance: 39 km
Participants can register as:
4) The Community Ride
Distance: 24 km
Participants can register as:
5) The Junior Challenge
Duration: 30 minutes
Individual registration
6) Mighty Savers Kids Ride
Distance: 5 km
Participants can register for/as:
Three different age group categories:
7) Tricycle Ride
Participants can register as individuals and can be accompanied by an adult
Distance: 100m & 150m

Joining Fee

The most inexpensive ride for students is the Community Ride priced at $42.50 with the launch special discount. For adults, the early-bird fee is $89 for The Challenge and $113 for The Super Challenge.
Discounts of up to 15% are available to 3 categories of participants:
a) OCBC Credit Card holders;
b) Loyal cyclists who have participated in the 2012 version of OCBC Cycle Singapore event and / or the 2013 version of OCBC Cycle Malaysia and;
c) *Students. Such discount will apply to registration fees throughout the period of registration.


Rising Trend
In recent years, Singapore has seen a large increase in the number of sporting events taking place in the city state. Numerous marathons, triathlons, fun-runs and other mass participation events have been supported by government agencies and the public alike.
The government has taken the initiative to connect paths island wide to ensure seamless riding as well as the introduction of more safety signs on the roads to encourage safe cycling. The Land Transport Authority has also recently announced plans to install more bicycle kiosks around the island and to allow foldable bikes on the MRT trains so that more commuters would consider cycling. In an effort for OCBC to promote safe cycling in Singapore, free cycling jerseys printed with safe cycling messages were also distributed to cyclists before the OCBC Cycle Singapore event. There has also been an increase in the number of cycling clubs in Singapore in recent years.
OCBC Cycle Singapore has carved a niche in the market as the first cycling event targeted at the mass market which caters to all levels of participants and is owned and organised by Spectrum Worldwide with OCBC bank as the title sponsor.

Fund Raising

OCBC Cycle Singapore also recognises the need to give back to the community and has chosen to support the National Cancer Research Fund and the Singapore Children's Society .