OZEE was an Indian digital online platform that was launched in February 2016 by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. The service has now been integrated with ZEE5 as of 15 February 2018. It is now available outside India only. It airs shows from all of the Zee channel bouquet such as Zee TV, &TV, Zee Telugu, Zee Tamizh, and more. It aired Zindagi shows exclusively since Zindagi went OZEE-exclusive. The platform is ad-supported and also free of cost no matter what device you use.

Exclusive dubbed programming

Ozee aired these exclusive shows until getting integrated into Zee5.
All of the shows of nearly all of the channels owned by Zee were telecasted on OZEE. Music videos were in a separate section of the site. It offered a wide collection of movies.
Channels on-air on OZEE before integration
Entertainment Channels not on OZEE
has subsumed Zee's existing video streaming platforms Ozee and Ditto TV, comes with 1 lakh hours of content including exclusive originals, Indian and international movies and TV shows, music, live television, health and lifestyle videos in 12 regional languages.