Oakwood (Pittsburgh)

Oakwood is a neighborhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's southwest city area. It has a zip code of 15205, and has representation on Pittsburgh City Council by the council member for District 2.


As of the census of 2000, there were 1,028 people, 523 households, and 251 families residing in Oakwood. Of the 1,028 people residing in Oakwood, 448 were male and 580 were female. 255 of the housing units were owner-occupied and 268 were renter-occupied. There were 102 households with persons age 18 and younger and 215 households with persons age 65 and older.

Oakwood Park

Oakwood park is home to a magnificent old stone reservoir and the school bell of the elementary school which formerly stood at this site. Older people at the park talk about swimming in the reservoir in defiance of the local police when they were children. The school was closed in 1971.

Surrounding communities

Oakwood has four borders, including Crafton to the north, Green Tree to the south, and the Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Westwood to the east and East Carnegie to the west.