Oasis Academy Hadley

Oasis Academy Hadley is an academy school located in the Ponders End area of the London Borough of Enfield, England run by Oasis Community Learning. It is the second Oasis academy in the London and has close links with Oasis Academy Enfield. It opened on 7 September 2009. It opened in the existing buildings of Albany School and the Primary Phase opened its reception class in September 2010. Mid January 2013, the new building in Ponders End was opened.

School house name philosophy

The school chose a number of names of houses, most likely based upon the aspirations which people from less affluent areas of Enfield, can one day reach. For example, Sugar house, being named after Lord Sugar, a person who grew up in a working class area, and aspired since to gain great wealth and a peerage.

The name of the academy

Oasis Academy Hadley is named after mathematician John Hadley, who lived in the area. Due to the school's specialism in Maths, this name seemed fitting.

Albany School

Oasis Academy Hadley replaced Albany School which opened in 1999, a total of 5 years. The school opened as separate boys' and girls' schools on the same site. It was opened as a co-educational secondary modern school in 1999, and in 2000 was converted to a comprehensive school. In 2008 became a specialist Business and Enterprise college. In July 2009, the school celebrated its 70th anniversary and later that month closed.