Officer Duck

Officer Duck is a Donald Duck short film which is produced in Technicolor and released September 22, 1939 by RKO Radio Pictures. This cartoon marked the first appearance of Pete in a Donald Duck series cartoon.


was asked to capture a terrible villain named Tiny Tom.
Donald started his mission by finding Tom's decrepit house, after nervously claimed to Tom that the police are sent to arrest him, Tom angrily kicked Donald out.
Donald decided to use a different strategy by pretending to be an orphan who was abandoned, and subsequently gained Tom's sympathy and decided to play with him, but Donald has to keep pretending while seizing Tom's gun in the meantime.
When Donald finally managed to handcuffed Tom and arrest him, an enraged Tom, realised that he was tricked, chased Donald, threatened to rip him into pieces, but luckily, several more police marched by and blocked their path, and Donald let Tom marched along and saluted in front of the camera proudly.

Voice Cast