Oh My Gawd!!!

Oh My Gawd!!! is The Flaming Lips' second album, released on Restless Records in 1987.


According to liner notes on a 1998 compilation, Wayne Coyne and Michael Ivins were experimenting with sleep deprivation while recording this album.

Track listing

Critics have noted the album's similarity to the music of Pink Floyd, particularly on the track "One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning." Zach Schonfeld, writing for Paste, described Oh My Gawd!!! as the Flaming Lips' "most eclectic early offering", albeit with "plenty of the band’s hooky hillbilly-punk in between." Brad Shoup wrote for Stereogum that "in time, the Flaming Lips would learn to incorporate their experiments into the songs, rather than cramming them in for the hell of it. But their glee at what they get away with here is infectious."
