Oil Price Information Service

Oil Price Information Service is a company providing pricing and news information for petroleum pricing, news and analysis for gasoline, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, LP-gas, jet fuel, crude, natural gas, petrochemicals, recycled plastics, refinery feedstocks, residual fuel, and kerosene. It is based in Rockville, Maryland, US and has offices in Wall, New Jersey, Houston, Texas, St. Paul, Minnesota, and in Sweden, Romania, Singapore, and Japan.


OPIS is one of the four main Price Reporting Agencies for market price reporting including daily market price assessments that are "fair, efficient, and transparent" in addition to Platts, Argus Media and ICIS according to the International Organization of Securities Commissions.
OPIS is a benchmark in multiple areas including Propane, and NGL. In 2016 it made available four new contracts for trading at ICE Futures Europe.


1996 - OPIS acquired the Stalsby/Wilson Directory business and Computer Petroleum Corp..

2005 - OPIS acquired Axxis Software.

2012 - OPIS acquired PointLogic Energy.

2013 - OPIS acquired GasBuddy.

2015 – OPIS acquires NAVX, the leading European and South American provider of retail fuel pricing, parking and Electric Vehicle charging location information.

2016 – IHS Markit acquires OPIS for $650 Million.
2018 - OPIS acquires Petrochem Wire.