Ojalá Pudiera Borrarte

"Ojalá Pudiera Borrarte" is a song recorded and performed by Mexican Latin rock group Maná. The song is the fourth radio single released in promotion of their seventh studio album, Amar es Combatir.

Track listing

  1. "Ojalá Pudiera Borrarte" -4:55
  2. "Ojalá Pudiera Borrarte" - 4:32

    Music video

The video is set in Guadalajara. The opening shot of the video shows the same girl that appears in Labios Compartidos selling drinks on her own at a pub. She exits the pub and walks down a street. Later, she passes an open-air café, then a vinyl record shop. A child blows bubbles in front of the shop. Meanwhile, a guy sits and thinks of the girl on an armchair in his house. Meanwhile, the girl accidentally drops her PC before she enters an IMAX cinema and comes on stage, looking for someone else. Meanwhile, after the guy celebrates his birthday, he finds an earring that the girl has lost, which reminded him of her. He then goes to a fotomática near where the girl has dropped her PC and reunites with her. He takes a picture of himself which comes out as a negative. As soon as he rips it off the slot, he sees that the pictures of him magically disappear. When he goes back home, he opens the refrigerator and finds that a secret agent has hid the negatives in there. He is also hungry and finds some sour cream and onion Pringles to eat as a snack. The video is intercut with sequences of Maná performing in a room with spotlights and a pink curtain, and also a table with alcoholic drinks on it.

Chart positions