Anfindsen obtained a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Oslo in 1997. His doctoral thesis, delivered at the Department of Informatics, was titled Apotram: an application-oriented transaction model. Anfindsen's research dealt with so-called xymphonic transactions in databases, a generalization of the classical transaction model. The research results later led him to form the company Xymphonic Systems to use the technology commercially. He has since been a senior research scientist at Telenor R&D, guest researcher at GTE Laboratories in Massachusetts and Sun Microsystems Laboratories in California, and adjunct associate professor at the Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo.
Social commentary
Anfindsen has been engaged in the debate about immigration, race and intelligence. In February 2005 Anfindsen started HonestThinking together with his brother Jens Tomas Anfindsen. Through the website and newspaper debates, Anfindsen puts the spotlight on the Norwegian immigration and integration policies. One of the site's main issues is the forecast that ethnic Norwegians may become a minority in Norway towards the end of the 21st century, possibly already by 2050. He has argued that the intelligence of immigrants in Norway could be critical for the future of the nation. He expressed worry over the low European birth rates, but held immigration to not be a sustainable solution. This was as it would lead to a multiethnic and racially mixed society. He argued that many scientists have pointed out that few things control a persons loyalty and preferences more than race, and that there likely are a limit to how many different languages and "loyalties" a society can contain until it breaks apart. Anfindsen uses a model which divides humans into three main races: one originating from East Asia, one from Europe and the Middle East, and one from Africa. According to him, East Asians have the highest IQ and Africans the lowest. He claims that for instance foreign aid may have been less successful because one has not taken different IQ levels into account. He has also claimed that there are ideological motives behind the denial of the existence of different races, and that the longer one hides "the truth", the more it will eventually pave the way for racism and worse. In 2010 Anfindsen released his book Selvmordsparadigmet – hvordan politisk korrekthet ødelegger samfunnet, for which he had been awarded a grant to write by the Freedom of Expression Foundation. According to his publishing houseKoloritt Forlag, "seldom or never has such a radical criticism of society been published in Norway." Besides Anfindsen's writings, appendixes in the book have been written by Henry Harpending, Frank Salter, Roger Scruton and Fjordman.
Publications (selection)
Computer science
The new SQL standards, Kjeller: Televerkets forskningsinstitutt, 1993.
The significance of SQL3, Kjeller: Televerkets forskningsinstitutt, 1994.
Extended three and five value logics for reasoning in the presence of missing and unreliable information, Kjeller: Televerkets forskningsinstitutt, 1994.
Supporting Cooperative Work in Multimedia Conferences by Means of Nested Databases, Proceedings of Norwegian Computer Science Conference—NIK '96, 1996, side 311-322.
Cooperative Work Support in Engineering Environment by Means of Nested Databases, Proceedings of CEEDA, 1996, Poole, pp. 325–330.
Apotram: an application-oriented transaction model, UNIK Center for Technology og Institutt for Informatikk, 1997.
Java-databaser: en evaluering, Kjeller: Telenor forskning og utvikling, 1999.
Selvmordsparadigmet – hvordan politisk korrekthet ødelegger samfunnet, Koloritt, 2010.
Fundamentalistiske favntak – om islamofobi, islamisme og andre typer religiøs eller sekulær fundamentalisme, Kolofon, 2015.