Ondalla Eradalla

Ondalla Eradalla is a 2018 social Comedy-drama film written and directed by D Satya Prakash who previously wrote and directed Rama Rama Re, and produced by Umapathy Srinivas who has also produced Hebbuli. Production of the film started in February, the lead actor Rohith Pandavpura a young boy from Pandavapura was selected out of the 1500 kids auditioned for the film.


The story revolves around a seven year old boy named Sameera who loses his pet Banu. He goes alone in search of his pet cow to a town called 'Pete', along the way he meets many people from different sections of society. Innocence is the main theme of the movie, whether his innocence can reign over the selfishness of the people he meets on the way to recover his lost pet forms the main crux of the movie.


Music has been composed by Vasuki Vaibhav and Nobin Paul and was released on 25 July 2018 on Youtube. All the lyrics are written by D Satya Prakash.

Awards and Nominations