One Man (film)

One Man is a Canadian drama film, released in 1977. Directed by Robin Spry, the film stars Len Cariou as Jason Brady, a television journalist in Montreal who is investigating a chemical leak from a local factory which has poisoned a number of children.
The film's cast also includes Jayne Eastwood, Barry Morse, August Schellenberg, Jean Lapointe, Carole Lazare, Danny Freedman, Jacques Godin, Vlasta Vrána, Sean Sullivan and Peter MacNeill.
The film had relatively limited theatrical distribution, screening only in Toronto and Ottawa before airing on CBC Television in 1979. It also had a brief theatrical run in New York City, following Cariou's Tony Award-winning performance in .


The film won seven Canadian Film Awards in 1977: Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Sound, Best Sound Editing and Best Editing. It was also nominated, but did not win, for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress and Best Cinematography.