Oniniwa Yoshinao

Oniniwa Yoshinao also known as Oniniwa Sagetsusai was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period who served Date clan. He was deeply trusted by Date Terumune and Date Masamune.
Yoshinao at the age of 73, bravely fought to let Masamune go during the Battle of Hitotoribashi, His army killed a lot of Iwaki clan's men but finally was killed by Iwaki Tsunetaka's general Kubota Jūrō. Thanks to Yoshinao, Masamune was able to escape to Motomiya castle. His son, Oniniwa Tsunamoto, and his daughter, Katakura Kita, also worked for Date clan and won Masamune's great trust.

In fiction

In NHK's 1987 Taiga drama Dokuganryū Masamune, Yoshinao was played by Chosuke Ikariya.